Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi

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Our first priority is to guide you through the process of performing Umra, which is a spiritual journey to Mecca that can be accomplished at any time of the year. It is a pilgrimage that every Muslim should undertake at least once in their lifetime.

Subsequently, we will describe how you can travel to Saudi Arabia for the purpose of performing Umra. You can book a flight to either Jeddah or Medina, and then arrange for transportation to Mecca. Before making any travel plans, it is essential to research the visa requirements and ensure that you have all the necessary documentation.

To facilitate your journey, you may consider purchasing a guide that details all the necessary steps for Umra, along with the relevant Duas. This guide will serve as a roadmap for your spiritual journey and guarantee that you complete all the essential steps.

We also offer a comprehensive Umra planner to assist you in planning your trip. Our planner includes tips on what to pack, travel arrangements, accommodation recommendations and  day planners to help you plan each day of your Umra journey, making your journey hassle-free and memorable. This planner outlines all the essential steps of Umra, including Tawaf, Sa’i, and other rituals, ensuring that you never miss any important steps of your pilgrimage.

We sincerely hope that this information will be helpful to you in your journey towards performing Umra, and may Allah bless your journey. Good luck and best wishes!

What is Umra?

The Arabic word ‘Umra’ has been derived from ‘i’timar’, which is defined as ‘a visit.’ In Islamic terminology, however, Umra refers to paying a visit to the Holy Ka’abah for the performance of the lesser pilgrimage in Makkah. It is an act of worship based on the teachings of Allah’s Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). As opposed to Hajj, the greater pilgrimage, which is performed during the specified days of Dhul Hijjah, Umra can be performed any time during the year. The Umra ritual comprises four basic pillar including Ihram, Tawwaf, Sa'i and Halq. We'll take a look at each of them in detail.

How to Perform Umra



Without Ihram, your Umra or Hajj won’t be acceptable. So what exactly is Ihram? Click to read more!



You'll need to have the Niyyah before crossing the Miqat. But how do you do that? Click to read more!


Tawwaf Al-Umra

While there are five different types of Tawwaf, we’ll discuss Tawwaf Al-Umra, which forms a necessary part of Umra. Click to read more!



After completing your Tawaf and performing Salah Al-Tawwaf, return to Hajr Al-Aswad to carry out Istilam again before proceeding to the Safa hill to begin Sa'i. Recite the following Verse from the Quran when approaching the Safa hill. Click to read more!


Halq or Taqsir

With the completion of Halq or Taqsir, you’ll exit the state of Ihram. As soon as your Ihram ends, you’ll be free from the associated restrictions. Click to read more!

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